OG. Blogger Search!
It’s that time again! OG has officially begun our annual Blogger Search. (Yay!)
We’ve had a lot of fun with our bloggers over the last few months and decided to add just a few more to the team. Spots will be limited to hurry over to the OG. Mainstore and apply today!
We are looking for creative minded people who truly enjoy and support OG as a brand.We want bloggers who are committed and love the brand for what it is. An OG blogger has to be one that sets themselves at a higher standard.
As I said before we are taking a limited number of bloggers so please do not be discouraged if you apply and do not get accepted, we look at everyone’s applications and try to give everyone a fair shot.
Do you have what it takes to be an OG blogger? APPLY NOW!!! (I mean it! We’re only opening applications until the 7th ♥) You can find the Blogotex access point at the mainstore next to the front desk.
✈︎Taxi: Mainstore
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