“Off-Line”. “Honey” Set – NEW

“Off-Line”. “Honey” Set – NEW


“Off-Line” x “Honey” Set // GIVEAWAY !!


We’re stuck in Fall! The Honey set is stunning and perfect for any occasion, indoor or out!

Available in 16 colors for solo purchase. Fatpack includes 28 color options for both skirt and top.

Each purchase includes sleeves, top and skirt separate so you can mix and match or wear just what you want!

Rigged for Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Kupra and Ebody Reborn!

Available at the Tres Chic event! (Opening Tomorrow!)

Taxi: “Off-Line” x Tres Chic

5000L$ Exclusive YOUTUBE Giveaway😋

"Off-Line". "Honey" Set – NEW



“Off-Line” – SHOP

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