"Off-Line". Tacchi "Johan" - NEW

"Off-Line". Tacchi "Johan" - NEW


“Off-Line” x “Johan” Heels // GIVEAWAY !!
A stunning pair of complimentary heels that match our Johan dress perfectly!
Available in both long and short versions, each version is available in 16 colors for solo purchase.
Fatpack includes 28 color hud for both long and short versions.
Long and short versions sold separately.
Rigged per Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Kupra è Ebody Reborn!
Disponibile à u Grand avvenimentu!

5000L$ Giveaway Esclusivu YOUTUBE😋

"Off-Line". "Johan" Heels – NEW



"Off-Line" – SHOP

Rete suciale, Teleport Shop è Marketplace