Phedora. Crash Stomp Clogs โ€“ NEW

Phedora. Crash Stomp Clogs โ€“ NEW


Phedora. – “Crash” Stomp Clogs Available at DUBAI Event ๐Ÿ’œ

Stomp into the spotlight with these chunky beasts that are like Crocs that hit the gym and never skipped leg day! Our “Crash” Stomp Clogs come in a 35 color fatpack,100% MESH,Parts Individually Changeable, Rigged for Anatomy,GenX & Jake, EBody Reborn,Kupra/Kario, Legacy F/M, Maitreya & LaraX!

Want to level up the look? The Charms pack is sold separately, so you can customize your clogs like a true fashion boss!



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