Phedora. Daemon Unisex Stomps Available at Collabor88 – NEW

Phedora. Daemon Unisex Stomps Available at Collabor88 – NEW


Phedora. – “Daemon” Unisex Stomps Available at Collabor88 💜 (opens on Sept 8th)

Our “Daemon” killer kicks are designed to slay, offering that perfect blend of menace & style whether you’re stepping in blood-splattered chaos or commanding attention! Our “Daemon” Unisex Stomps come in a 42 color fatpack,100% MESH,Parts Individually Changeable, Rigged for GenX & Jake, EBody Reborn,Kario, Legacy F & M, Maitreya & LaraX! (Anatomy & Kupra will be added later today in an update)



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