SEKA. C-Unit Pants – NEW

SEKA. C-Unit Pants – NEW


CYBER FAIR is here! Let’s get the glowy edgelords going woohoo

These fun pants come with:

★ 2 HUDs (Main and Animation) that lets you customize your new item a bit easier

★ Each color pack comes with 2 textures > Looks for each side (left,right),you can mix n match those if you wish

With the Main HUD you can easily:

  • change the LEFT side (2 colors/ looks)
  • change the RIGHT side (2 colors/ looks)
  • mix ‘n match the Thigh Straps (18 colors/ looks)
  • mix ‘n match the Glowy details (9 colors/ looks)
  • mix ‘n match the Bottom Wire (9 colors/ looks)
  • change the Metal Unit (Light, Dark, Gold-Ish)
  • add Glow and FULLBRIGHT to Details and stand out more in Dark Windlights and various environments
  • TINT parts and find your own intense shade

With the ANI HUD you can change the effect (animation type) , TINT, Glow them up or completely turn it off, up to you

★ FATPACK comes with all the Main Pants Texture and everything else, which means you can create some really dope DUAL looks, Mix n Match till infinity!

But don’t forget as with all SEKA Items you dont necessarily need a Fatpack for more creative looks, for example having only 2 color packs still allows you

to mix n match between those too!

★ it’s MODIFY (if you wish to tint more, remove scripts, etc..)

★ a rig for LEGACY ,MAITREYA+ LaraX ,Inithium KUPRA , Inithium KHARA, eBODY Reborn


Available @CYBER FAIR Cam Sim

Available @CYBER FAIR




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