SEKA. Cute Laced Shorts – NEW

SEKA. Cute Laced Shorts – NEW


Cute Summer Times with ACCESS Anniversary Round, don’t forget to visit and grab all the cool FREE Gifts waiting at each booth <3

These fun shorts come with:

★ a HUD that lets you customize your new item a bit easier

★ Each color pack comes with 2 looks to give you some different styling options

With the HUD you can easily:

  • change the MAIN texture (2 colors)
  • change the SIDES texture (2 colors)
  • mix ‘n match the WAIST ( 8 dual bright colors + 8 dark colors )
  • mix ‘n match the LACES( 9 bright colors + 9 darker versions )
  • add GLOW to LACES and make it stand out more
  • TINT all the parts and find your own intense shade

★ FATPACK comes with all the Main textures and everything else and since you have all the colors now (Main, SIDE) you can mix and match till infinity! and create some cool colorful looks

BUT don’t forget! As with all SEKA items you dont necessarily need a FATPACK to create more looks, for example having only 2 packs still allows you to mix and match between those two etc

★ it’s MODIFY (if you wish to tint more, remove scripts, etc..)

★ a rig for LEGACY ,MAITREYA+ LaraX ,Inithium KUPRA , Inithium KHARA, eBODY Reborn


Available @ACCESS




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