FNY Designs. The Fake Landing Backdrop – NEW

FNY Designs. The Fake Landing Backdrop – NEW

FNY Designs

Once upon a time in a secret studio deep beneath Hollywood, a group of filmmakers gathered to create the most elaborate hoax in history: the Apollo 11 moon landing. The plan was simple—fake the moon landing, fool the world, and get back in time for dinner.

The set was built with painstaking precision, complete with dusty lunar soil (imported from Area 51), a black sky with dangling stars (held up by invisible wires), and a lot of special lunar gypsum to represent the moon itself. “Just in case anyone looks too closely”. The actors playing astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, rehearsed their lines. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Meanwhile, in a dark corner of the studio, the Illuminati representatives were busy writing checks. “Don’t forget to mention our secret bases,” one of them whispered to the Director. “And make sure to hide the alien footprints we left by accident.”

Everything was going smoothly until Elvis Presley wandered onto the set. “Is this where I’m filming my next movie?” he asked, looking around. “The Colonel told me it was out of this world”. “Elvis, you’re not supposed to be here,” The Director said, shooing him away. “You’re supposed to be dead, remember?”

Finally, the cameras rolled, and the “astronauts” bounced around on the carefully rigged wires, making it look like they were in low gravity. The studio audience—comprised of Bigfoot, a few flat-earthers, and the ghost of Amelia Earhart—clapped enthusiastically. The film was edited and broadcast to the world, and everyone believed it—well, almost everyone. Some people noticed strange things, like the American flag fluttering as if caught in a breeze, or a shadowy figure that looked suspiciously like Elvis in the background.

Years later, conspiracy theorists would dissect every frame, claiming the whole thing was shot on a soundstage. But as we all know, those are just theories. The truth, as they say, is out there—probably somewhere on the dark side of the moon, right next to the soundstage where Elvis is still filming his intergalactic comeback tour.

Land Impact: 93 LI



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