SEKA. Zipped Skirt – NEW
Well Hello hello skimpy Cuties, we are back to naughty shenenigans, I added a pussy cover so you can play modest :p
These fun Skirts come with:
★ a HUD that lets you customize your new item a bit easier
★ I included a simple Puss Cover, you can wear it alone or over some panties for some more interesting looks, up to you!
★ Each color pack comes with 2 FRONT and 2 BACK looks to give you some different styling options
With the HUD you can easily:
- change the FRONT Texture (2 colors)
- change the BACK Texture (2 colors)
- mix ‘n match the WAIST ( 8 colors )
- change the skirt Metals/Zipper (Light, Dark, Gold-ish)
- change the Puss ADD-On Metals/Zipper (Light, Dark, Gold-ish)
- add TRANSPARENCY to the BACK > Pls attach the Back transparency HUD to do so
- TINT all the parts and find your own intense shade
★ FATPACK comes with all the Main textures and everything else and since your have ALL the colors now you can create some cool FRONT/BACK Color Combinations
DON’T FORGET! as with all SEKA Items you dont necessarily need a fatpack to get more creative color combinations, for example, having only 2 color packs etc will still allow you mix and match between those 2 color HUDs as well
★ it’s MODIFY (if you wish to tint more, remove scripts, etc..)
★ a rig for LEGACY ,MAITREYA+ LaraX ,Inithium KUPRA+KUPS , Inithium KHARA, eBODY Reborn
Available @KINKY