KiB Designs. Tess Bodysuit – SALE

KiB Designs. Tess Bodysuit – SALE

KiB Designs

KiB Designs – Tess Bodysuit @Lazy Sunday

-Texture Hud with:

Bodysuit – 2 different options + 10 colors each

Belt – 2 different options + 10 colors each + 4 metals

1 Fatpack – 20 options for bodysuit and 20 options for belt – 255L

10 Minipacks – 2 colors/bodysuit and 1 Belt color in each Minipacks – 65L each

-Compatible with:

Maitreya, M.Petite, Reborn, Legacy, L.Perky, Gen X Classic and Gen X Curvy Bodies

-Dates: 26th-28th Nov.



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