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Off-Line. Sylvia Dress and Gloves – NEW

“Off-Line”. “Sylvia” Dress and Gloves – NEW


“Off-Line” x “Sylvia” Dress and Gloves // GIVEAWAY !!


We’re kicking off Feb with a heavy hitter! The Sylvia Dress and Gloves are available in 16 colors for solo purchase.

Each color purchase includes the base color + hud that includes 28 outline color options.

Fatpack includes 28 color options for both dress and gloves as well as 28 outline color options.

Rigged for Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Kupra and Ebody Reborn!

Available at the Cupid’s Fault event!

5000L$ Exclusive YOUTUBE Giveaway😋



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