Brior. The “Saje” Set – SALE
The “Jean” Set is on sale for 60 L$ and 550 L$ for the fatpack! The Jean Set consisting of the Jean Tattoo Dress, Thong and heel. This set has 12 individuals and 5+ fatpack exclusives. Fitted for Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, Reborn & updated to Peach
The “Saje” Set is on sale for 75 L$ and 550 L$ for the fatpack! The Saje Set consisting of the Saje Wrap top & Denim Bell bottoms. This set has 12 individuals and 6+ fatpack exclusives. Fitted for Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, Reborn & updated to Peach
Both sets have been updated to the Peach Body. If you already purchased this you may visit our redelivery terminal for the update.
5000L$ Exclusive YOUTUBE Giveaway😋

Brior – SHOP