Klubb. “Birdie” – NEW
The “Birdie” Corset & Laced Jeans has just arrived at Trés Chic!
The unique laced back design on the jeans compliments the side lacing on the corset, both pieces look great together or separately ✨
The fatpack ($1199) comes with 16 corset colors, 10 jean denims, 8 bonus cute corset affirmation prints, a mix & match HUD, allowing for the corset, laces & eyelets for the top, along with the jeans, laces & eyelets for the bottom to be individually changed, aswell as 8 metal swatches for the eyelets, a color tinter, sheer, shine, and glow slider, and a fullbright switch!
The fatpack HUD allows for unlimited customisation options, allowing you to customise your outfit as you please.
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