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ABSTRAKT Event – May 2022

ABSTRAKT Event – May 2022

Start Date: May 15, 2022 – End Date: June 5, 2022


DarkCyber – The neon lights are assaulting you and the nuclear battery in your watch is showing signs of weakness. You have been sitting here on this bench for what… twenty? thirty minutes? You are waiting for the aerobus to pick you up and join the big fair of Abstrakt. It’s been months that you’ve been watching holographic ads in every corner of the city. Yes… It’s been screaming in the media, it’s been on the front page of your social networks, they were even talking about releasing a hit song just for the occasion. But you… You don’t care about the music, do you? What you want is to change your old prosthesis with new cyber implants, replace your eyes, reconsider the ugly shade of your carcass… Yes my friend then approach you and climb in the pod for the Abstrakt… The doors open in front of you and you discover the holograms which dance just for you. The red light tries to attract you in the alleys, everything here is only fluorescence, metal, latex and technology. A voice leans to your ear, my voice, soft and sweet. “Welcome to the Abstrakt, will you choose to join us or would you prefer to turn around? Be careful, if you enter, you might become addicted…”

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