“Off-Line” x “Meela” Collection – NEW
“Off-Line” x “Meela” Collection // GIVEAWAY !!
We are so appreciative for this offer to sponsor the Access event.
The vibe for the Meela collection is very… ethereal, delicate yet powerful. Lets break the outfit down!
The Meela outfit comes in 12 colors. The set includes both matching and white panties to swap the look with ease.
The fatpack includes a hud with 28 color options as well as 10 transparency options for the skirt.
The Meela gloves are sold separate from the outfit, letting you easily switch the vibe of the entire outfit. Available in 12 solo purchase colors.
The fatpack includes a hud with 28 color options as well as 10 transparency options.
The Meela bag is simple, small yet bold as it comes with 2 versions, posed and non posed. Available in 12 solo purchase colors.
The fatpack includes a hud with 28 color options.
Lets move to the Meela heels! These stunning subtle yet bold heels are available in both a long and short version. Each with 12 solo purchase color options.
The fatpack includes a hud with 28 color options for each.
Rigged for: Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Kupra and Ebody Reborn!
Available at the Access event! (Tomorrow at noon slt)
Taxi: “Off-Line” x Access
1k Giveaway exclusif YOUTUBE every week !😋

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