Phedora. “Severus” Unisex High Tops – NEW

Phedora. “Severus” Unisex High Tops – NEW


Phedora. – “Severus” Unisex High Tops NEW RELEASE at Kustom9 ♥ September 2022

Headbanging at a killer Dj Set or Rocking it out at your fav concert? We gotchu covered & stylish af looking like a true Rockstar with our “Severus” Unisex High Tops!!! Our “Severus” Unisex High Tops come in our 26Colors Fatpack a 28 Patterns Fatpack or a Megapack with all 54 textures (ITEMS SOLD SEPARATELY), option to customize each shoe individually, 100% MESH,Parts Individually Changeable, Rigged for Ebody Reborn, Belleza Female & Jake, Inithium Kupra & Kario,Legacy Male & Female, Sign. Gianni & Maitreya!

5000L$ Exclusive YOUTUBE Giveaway😋

Phedora. "Severus" Unisex High Tops – NEW



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